Sunday, January 26, 2020

Biometric Applications for Information Security

Biometric Applications for Information Security Chapter 1 1 .0 Introduction In recent times, the use of computer towards accessing information has increased and this has made our lives simplified in different ways, whereby easing people around the globe to communicate and share information. Due to this growing computer technology, the need for an improved network service which involves public accessing these devices is to be put in place. Generally, this advancement in knowledge towards the use of modernised technology has lead to the investigating and unveiling of new threats to computer system security which affects the todays organisations. From my research carried out it has been noticed that most organisations are in search of better means of improving their information security system, and also a cost effective means towards safeguards against fraud and impersonation .As we all know that data protection is a valuable resource which must be kept strictly, controlled and managed properly in an organisation. In the nutshell, the term security basically referred to as the protection and guidance of a system from unauthorised access, be it intentional or accidentally, irrespective of the service provided by the database management system. This work will generally involve the use of keystroke dynamics as a means of establishing a unique identity, which will be used as an additional measure towards enhancing information/data security in an organisation (e.g. Banks, Institutions, legislative departments, finance houses, production firms etc). This unique identity will help present a safeguard towards authenticating the acces s to computers by recognizing an individual based on his stored features i.e. mouse movement, keyboard application, typing rhythm etc. The protection of an information database system at all level in an organisational system, has over the years become an essential concern, this is as a result of different type of threats and unauthorised advances made by malicious individuals. Many organisations, over the years gone ahead towards the development and adoption of a stronger web-based services of computer controls, because from my research I gathered that information and transaction worth fortunes are been dealt with on a daily basis and the organisation has to ensure its protection by all means. Because any breach of security will lead to fatal destruction of the system. During my report it was noticed that in most organisational application, the access to information database system where usually restricted through the use of a login ID/password protection scheme. This has been in place for years and if by any means this scheme is breached, and then the organisations information is generally exposed towards any possi ble fraudulent misuse. During my research work I gathered that, hardware based security managed systems has a positive impact towards the reduction of unauthorised access by imposter. According to â€Å"David Zhang and Anil Jain† 2006, in there book â€Å"Advance biometric† it stated that acceptance rate is still study dependent and the results indicate that the false acceptance ratio (FAR) is still on the order of 5%, beyond the acceptable risk level of many organizations, considering the costs in terms of hardware and training time. In the nutshell it will be said that security and database plays an important role in all areas where computers are used, including business, electronic commerce, engineering, medicine, law, library science and many lot of more fields. I would like to give a brief definition of what database is all about and its surrounding topics on which we will deal with as we proceed on the project work. Generally, database can be said to be a cart where information are stored, updated and retrieved, it is a very important part of everyday life, and has to be secured from utterances. The term Biometric said to be gotten from the combination of the Greek words ‘Bios, which means life, and ‘Metrikos which is said to be measuring. This technology is said to be the ability to identify an individual based on their unique characteristic, which can either be physiologically (passive) or behavioural (active) characteristic mode of identification. Over the years it has been notice that one of the most secured and effective means of authenticating and identifying an individual involves the verification of their personal unique characteristic. This is sometimes usually done in conjunction with a PIN or token (known as multi-factor authentication) also by users name and password. One of the proper ways of managing biometric secured information database includes its registration, storage, and verification which is known as â€Å"Biometric Identity Management†. However, from research Information security is known to be one of the fastest growing areas in the IT world, and its efficiency is to be assured by minimising exposure to external and internal attacker. â€Å"Enhancing information security using keystroke dynamics (Behavioural Biometrics) as an additional measure in organisations† as my research topic was brought to light. This research report is basically aimed at reviewing information database security system and the use of keystroke biometric towards security enhancement, where by reviewing the effective implementation, design and management of information system in organisation, and protecting it from intruder. Also it will clearly highlight on the pros and cons of traditional means compared to biometrics means of application. I will strictly focus on keystroke biometrics, which is a human behavioural biometric whereby need for any form of physiological attribute, is not needed. This study (Information security and biometric application) will be place into the following stages: (Nanavati. S, (2002), Von Solms S.H (2000)) Identification and authentication An individual been identified and authenticated; Authorisation Being authorised to use certain resources; Confidentiality Ensuring confidential information i.e. data or software, stays confidential and accessible only to authorised individuals; Integrity Making sure only authorised individuals can change the content of data or software; Non-denial Ensuring that an individual cannot deny the authorisation of a transaction (e.g. in Banks), like changing the content of data. The deployment of Biometrics and the above stages will require a solid understanding of the technology and why it is been deployed, its mode of function, performance and accuracy will be looked into and analysed. Also the choice of which biometric application to use depends highly on the intended application of the system, here are some of the biometric applications in existence today: finger print; face recognition, hand geometry and iris recognition etc. Some of these biometric features are applied in areas like, time and attendance systems, voters registration, immigration and border control, access control, computer security, and financial firms. This project research work will involve a practical part of the application and to achieve the aims successfully, the following objective will be put into consideration. Objectives: Presenting details of biometric applications for information security purposes. Comprehensive review on information security threat, breaches, awareness solutions and discussing case studies on its effect on organisational system. Building / implementing a keystroke access database application. Critically analyse and evaluate the impact of the design keystroke enable database(Pros and Cons) To conclude on findings and recommendation for future developments of information security system. 1.1 Why the Study and Goals The scope of this study is to present, review and analyse problems which are been faced in organisations information security, where by been able to create and suggest a means of securing sensitive information from external sources and mostly internal sources. In recent times from information gathered it has been found that most security breaches /threat in organisations have been linked to internal sources. Here I will recommend a keystroke biometric application in organisations which are known to have a friendly environment between member of staff and the easy of sharing personal details, are on the high side. Generally I am not saying there are no securities measures in organisations to curb these intrusions, but as earlier mentioned most of these leakages are carried out by internal sources. But most organisations make use of traditional login process (user names and password, chip and pin). Alternatives to password-based authentication, keystroke biometric can either be used as an additional measure or replace the traditional method, this can help identify intruded and access are denied. A special focus will be on keystroke dynamics, in which firstly, the goal is to verbalize requirements which these alternative authentication schemes need to satisfy. After reviewing the alternative methods from a security and usability point of view, the result should be to answer the question whether the presented schemes is capable of being alternatives to password-based authentication mechanisms or not. 1.2 Related Studies. In the past and at present a lot of studies and researches is been carried out, in regards to users identification, verification and authentication, with their respective ways of securing information system. Keystroke dynamics was first introduced in the early 1980s as a method for identifying the individuality of a given sequence of characters entered through a traditional computer keyboard (R. Gaines, W. Lisowski, S. ). Keystroke dynamics originated from studies of the typing patterns exhibited by users when entering text into a computer using a standard keyboard. Researches in this field focused on the keystroke pattern in terms of keystroke duration and keystroke latencies. Evidence from preliminary studies indicated that typing patterns were sufficiently unique and easily distinguishable from one another, much like a persons written signature (R. Gaines, W. Lisowski, S., R. Joyce and G. Gupta ).Here are some studies which have been carried out towards information security such a s that conducted by â€Å"Arwa Al-Hussain (2008)†, â€Å"Biometric-based Authentication Security†, â€Å"Saleh Bleha†, â€Å"Charles Slivinsky†, and â€Å"Bassam Hussein†: â€Å"Computer-access security systems using keystroke dynamics†, â€Å"R. Joyce and G. Gupta†: User authorization based on keystroke latencies. And also â€Å"Revett, K. and Khan, A†, 2005, carried out a research on Enhancing login security using keystroke hardening and keyboard griddling. But In my research work I will look into all aspect of biometric applications in regards to keystroke dynamic application and it suitability towards detecting intruders trying to gain access into a database information system. 1.3 Problem Statement In this research which is to attempt the implementation of keystroke biometric and mouse application as a security measures towards preventing the gaining of access to sensitive data from unauthorised individual in organisation, also to prevent password sharing and identity theft from within and outside the organisation. To be able to achieve this, I will be looking into the different types of biometrics and the added advantage presented by keystroke biometrics in relation to cost and easy of application. Finally I will not neglect the difficulties that may be encountered towards the successful achievement and completion of this research, also all necessary steps will be taken to have a conclusive project work. 1.4 Outline of Dissertation Topics and Organisation The other part of this paper work is organised and subdivided in the following pattern. Chapter 2 will focus more on the in-depth of Biometrics application, the benefits of biometrics compared to traditional authentication methods, advantages and disadvantages of the different identification mechanism ,it challenges and effect on todays society and finally the different types of biometrics. Chapter 3 will concentrate on the information security issues, social engineering and security solutions presented by biometrics enhanced system. In Chapter 4 an in-depth analysis of the keystroke biometrics will be look into and its application towards information security. Chapter 5 will concentrate mainly on implementation of keystroke biometrics, a demonstration of its design application and functions, towards security enhancement and also user acceptability survey on the application mode will be analysed. Finally in chapter 6 I will conclude on findings and recommendation for future developme nts of information security system. Chapter 2: 2.0 Introduction: From my research it has been gathered that access to most organisation‘s computer systems which content various information are done by using authentication and identification means. The commonly used security approach towards identification and authentication is by â€Å"login process†, which involves the users ID and password. This has been in use for years towards the verification of a person trying to gain access to a computer information system. This mode of security approach has over the years been a big problem to most organisations security management system, as a result where workers could routinely share passwords with one another, sometimes forgetting their passwords or stored them in places which they could be easily seen by other people. This has lead to the level of security breaches, threats and fraudulent transaction increasing to a disturbing state, due to this the need for highly secure identification and personal verification technologies is being sear ched for. From researches carried out it has been found that biometric authentication can solve some of these problems, whereby help in reducing this growing security threat to a minimal level. Another importance of biometrics is its ability to improve the usability of a system since the person in use does not need to remember his or her passwords when trying to gain access to the information system. Biometrics as we know is not a new discovery to the world at large this has been in existence, during the BC and AD, just that of present more attention is been shown towards biometrics and its applications. 2.1 Why Biometrics Applications In the application of biometrics towards security setting is â€Å"Ten times† the security for that of traditional means and also cost effective in the long run. Due to issues relating to Identity theft, terrorism and increase in the general level of crime which have also combined to heighten the need for a just technology security approach.( Security Seminar K. Tracy 1998) Biometrics application over the years has been the recommended solution choice for many organisational systems towards information security, both privately owned and government companies are in use of biometric application towards maintaining secured environmental system for information sharing and distribution. Lets imagine the ability to unlock the door, obtain money from a machine, authenticate a credit card, retrieve information from a system or even start a car with just a glance at a camera or a touch, that is what bio application is all about and has helped to improve users security application by there uniqueness. 2.2 Introduction to Biometrics What Is Biometrics: The word biometrics is known to be gotten from a combination two words from Greek origin meaning (bios =life, metrikos (metrics) =measure).The terms Biometricshave been in existence since the 20th century and was used to refer to the field of development of statistical and mathematical methods applicable to data analysis problems in the biological sciences (Nanavati. S. 2002). In the nutshell biometrics can be said to be an automated method in science and technology which is used in recognising, measuring and statistically analyzing biological data of an individual. These bio measurements are done based on ones physiological or behavioural characteristics, which can be used to verify the identity of the individual. Some of the examples of biological characteristic include DNA, blood group genes, whereby physical characteristics include fingerprints, eye retinas and irises, facial patterns and hand measurements, and behavioural characteristics include signature, v oice, gait and typing patterns (keystroke). One of the greatest important advantages of biometrics lies in the fact that physical or behavioural traits cannot be transferred to other individuals, or can they be forgotten. (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, (2006),) 2.3 How does biometrics work? Biometrics can be classified in two main types, which are as follows: â€Å"physiological biometrics†, this involves the use of physical trait, such as a fingerprint, iris, hand or face for recognition of an individual. Here the physical traits are collected, then analyzed, measured and stored for use. In the case of fingerprint, it is automated through a numeric encryption of its ridges, splits, dots, valleys, furrows and minutiae points. This encryption is called an algorithm, creating a binary encoded template. The iris is also digitally stored using an algorithm in the same way. (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, (2006)) The other type of biometric solution is â€Å"behavioural biometric†. This mainly involves the use of a persons behavioural trait or pattern, such as a voice, signature or key stroke. These traits are stored in the same way to that of the physiological traits except that they are updated regularly to be able to cope with the ever changing patterns in the trait. The both type of biometrics are relevant to different situations and circumstances. Naturally it has been gathered that physiological biometrics has proved to be more reliable than that of behavioural biometric, in the sense that physical traits generally stay the same all time irrespective of the age, while that of behavioural trait changes due to one or two situation which can be caused by advancement in age, learnt habit or accidental causes. 2.3.1 Mode of biometric operations: Identification: In biometrics operations, when the device/networked server hold a database of registered users and when these traits are presented, it is then authorizes the searching of the database so as to establish a match with the presented trait. In theory the device is asking â€Å"Do I know you?† This method of identification is called one too many (1: N) according to â€Å"†. Authentication: The theory here is that the device is requesting â€Å"Are you who you claim to be†? By presenting a user id number or a Smartcard (containing the biometric algorithm) you then prove who you claim to be. In order to prove that this id number or Smartcard belongs to the user, one is requested to present his /her biometric trait directly to the device. You are authorized if they match and denied if they do not match. This method is called one to one (1:1) â€Å"†. Authorization: In the nutshell this is known to be the last stage of a biometric system function, after identification the system search for a match and then confirms it authentication where by requesting unique feature and if matched with the stored details, you are then authorized. (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, (2006)) 2.4 Importance Of Biometrics Over Traditional Authentication Methods:- In present times most organisation, make use of Login passwords, PINs, and token towards verification and authentication for gaining access to there information database system. This are mainly designed to help protect and secure the organisations computer information network and its applications. However in most cases these technologies have been discovered to having some problems associated with them, mostly when faced with modern technology applications, like online transactions, which could involve the accessing of sensitive information such as medical reports, financial or income support information. In order to reduce these increasing problems, biometrics features are been introduced in some of these computer information applications areas. As earlier stated, â€Å"Biometrics† is known to be an automated methods of recognizing and identifying an individual based on their physical or behavioural characteristics.†(Samir Nanavati, Michael Thieme, Raj Nanavati 2002) Ev ery individual different biometric characteristic which are unique and peculiar to them, no two person have or share the same biometric features. Some of the commonly known used biometric applications in todays society are facial, fingerprint, iris, hand scan, voice and dynamic signature. Biometric data application as a means and methods of identification is well preferred by organisation due to its several advantages over the known traditional method, which have been highlighted earlier in this chapter. Some of the major reason for the preference of bio data for information security system is that the individual to be identified is required to be present physically during the identification process, and this identification process does not require the need for password remembrance in any form. With the present increasing integration of computer, as well as internet usage in our day to day activities towards information accessing, this has called for a growing need to use a more pro tective method on information system assessing. This could be done by either replacing the PINs (traditional method) totally with biometrics or combining the both towards effective security measures whereby prevents unauthorized access to computer information system. As stated in previous chapter, one of the biggest issues with the use of PINs or passwords as a security measure is that it could be forgotten, likewise tokens such as passports and drivers licenses may be forged, stolen, or lost which is unlikely in biometric traits. Basically biometric applications can be used for real-time recognition, and the most popularly used is face, voice, signature, iris and fingerprint. (S.Nanavati, M. Thieme, R. Nanavati 2002) In view to biometric application compared to the traditional application, a biometric system is basically known to be a pattern of recognition of an individual by determining the authenticity of a specific physiological or behavioural characteristic possessed by the pe rson. Several important issues are put into place during designing a functional biometric system. Basically all biometric systems consist of three (3) basic elements, which are as follows: Enrolment: It is known to be the process which involves the collecting of biometric samples from an individual, and this is captured and stores in a secured template in a central database or a smart card issued to the user. Templates: This is a storage cart where all the data or information representing the individual/enrolees biometric features is stored. The template is usually been retrieved when identification is to be carried out on an individual.Biometrics system can operate using either verification (authentication) or identification mode. Matching: It is a process which involves the comparing and analysing of individual biometric details which has been stored in the database system templates. Mainly the enrolment is the first stage during authentication, in which a template is then generated and will be used towards matching of the users authentication. 2.4 Types of Biometric Technologies Biometric can be classified into two main classes which are Physiological and Behavioural biometrics, this involves two main modes of applications, which can be said to be contact and contactless biometric applications. The main function of biometric technology system is to assist in the controlling of access to a network system, and also helping to authenticate an individual by establishing there identity by comparing it with already stored details, which are unique to the individual. The most significant factor which enable the implementation of a biometric towards authentication is it uniqueness, i.e no two person can have same bio data and can not be lost or guessed. Looking at the recent increase in the breach of information system, biometric authentication system is a more reliable, efficient and effective to reduce this increasing threat compared to the traditional password based authentication process. 2.4.1 Physiological Biometrics:- In this type of biometric application, the individual is required to have biometric features stored in the bio data storage device (scanner).This device is where the users details are collected and stored for feature use. Due to reason that a person or individual stores their bio-data and need to make direct contact when needed to gain access to an information system, has made many people have to consider this to be a technology which invades on ones personal privacy .Below are some examples. Fingerprint Evaluation: This is the most commonly used biometrics and the most advanced of all the biometric technologies and it is highly accurate. The challenges lies in varying quality of fingerprints across individuals and in dealing with wear in the defining irregularities in the ridges and valleys of ones finger (Nanavati. S, (2002),). New technologies have recently employed the use of pattern matching and ultrasonic scanning rather than evaluation of the irregularities which has increased the accuracy of fingerprint scanning and reduced the risk of misidentification. By scanning the geometry of an individualshand, including height, width, shape and proportion, security systems can accurately recognize and identify individuals. This method is primarily used for physical access control and is considered the most useful in terms of durability and application. In fact, hand scanning is used effectively where other biometrics technologies cannot work due to frequency, volume, or environmental disruptions. Here is a finger print sample from Wikipedia. Retina Scanning: is considered among the most accurate of the biometric technologies through its evaluation of the shape and make-up of inner surface of the back of the eye. This method, while highly accurate, is also fairly costly and often perceived as difficult to use. Other complications include interference from foreign objects such as eye glasses or contact lenses. Further, scanning of a sensitive area such as ones eye decreases receptivity and willingness to use. Even so, the accuracy of retina scanning and the minimized risk of imitation make it useful in extremely high security areas where accountability is of utmost importance (Nanavati. S, (2002),) . Hand/Finger Geometry Hand or finger geometry is an automated measurement of many dimensions of the hand and fingers. Neither of these methods takes actual prints of the palm or fingers. Only the spatial geometry is examined as the user puts his hand on the sensors surface and uses guiding poles between the fingers to properly place the hand and initiates the reading. Hand geometry templates are typically 9 bytes, and finger geometry templates are 20 to 25 bytes. Finger geometry usually measures two or three fingers. Hand geometry is a well-developed technology that has been thoroughly field-tested and is easily accepted by users. (Nanavati. S, (2002),) See example below of a typical hand geometry. Iris scanning: This is similar to retina scanning in method and level of accuracy. However, its application is considered less intrusive and is thus becoming more common. Recently, it has been introduced into the airline and banking industries and while system integration remains a challenging part of implementation, improvements are continually being made (5). Facial Scanning: These applications are most often used in conjunction with other verification methods such as identification cards systems or with existing security cameras and monitors. This method utilizes high resolution images of distinct facial features such as eye sockets, shape of the nose, and/or the position of certain features relative to each other (1). Problems arise with this application if the subject is not properly positioned for the camera or if environmental changes such as lighting changes prevent an accurate read. (Nanavati. S, (2002)). 2.4.2 Behavioural Biometrics: Behavioural biometrics is said to be the ability for a system to be able to recognizing, identifying and authenticating a users based on there behavioural characteristic, which are unique to them. Basically this type of biometric can be learnt or developed over a period of time, and may follow a particular pattern of usage by the individual. Example of some behavioural traits used in biometrics is as follows: handwriting, speech, keystroke, walking pattern, e.t.c. In the nutshell, this type of biometric identification over a certain period can be changed due to some factors like age, weather etc. As a result of the changes in this type of biometric application, for the system to still maintain a secured system training or registering repetitions is to be carried out from time to time. Some of the behavioural biometrics are stated here below and will be explained further as we proceed in this research work.( Nanavati. S, (2002)) Signature Verification: This verification means has been existing for a long time, they are mostly used in the banking sectors to identify individual who make use of there services. They are used mostly to give authorisations to documents like cheques, contracts and sensitive documents. Despite its long time existence, automating the recognition process remains a challenge because peoples signatures are not always identical and can change drastically over time. These changes could be as a result of some factors like old age, mental or physical state e.t.c Voice Recognition: Is a behavioural biometrics which is mainly based on an individuals speech pattern. Here a persons voice is compared or recognized based on its previously recorded stored voice output. Voice verification is a sensitive biometric type of approach because of its acceptability by a lot of user and also high rated error could be significant since it is not really invasive like the physiological biometrics, an example of its use is in â€Å"telephone transactions†. (Nanavati. S, (2002)) Keystroke Biometrics: This type of behavioural biometrics is an automated method of examining and monitoring the typing patterns of an individual on a keyboard. The technology examines and determines the dynamics characteristic rhythms, speed, and pressure, also calculating the total time used in typing a particular word, the time the individual or user takes to hitting certain keys. This technique could be combined with the traditional password system to improve security when accessing sensitive information on computer systems using keyboards or mouse .Basically this method of verification is quite new and still in it development stage, but not to say it has not been in use. Also the â€Å"keystroke biometrics is of high flexibility† because it can accommodate the changing of password over a time when users observes behavioural changes. The keystroke biometrics as it has advantages so does it have its disadvantages as well. In the nutshell these said biometrics applications (Keystroke biometrics) will be talked about more as we proceed in the research work. 2.5.0 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Different Identification Mechanisms. The pros and cons associated with specific devices are highlighted below: Fingerprint Readers Pros  · Not much storage space is required for the biometric template Cons  · Has traditionally been associated with criminal activities and thus users could be reluctant to adopt this form of biometric a

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Psy/265 Sexuality at Different Life Stages Essay

There are changes in every stage of life including sexual changes that follow us as we grow older. With the following scenario’s that talk about the different points of our awareness and stages of sexual relationships, I will suggest from a counselors perspective ways to help each person in the settings presented. The first case is Anna, an adolescent girl, is very much in love with her boyfriend who is three years older than she. He is putting a lot of pressure on her to have sex. At the same time, she is anxious about her parents’ attitude towards her boyfriend. Her mother constantly warns her about dating an older boy and assumes that he intends to take advantage of her. The first thing I would go about is setting a relaxed and comfortable exchange to allow Anna to express her own opinions, in doing so I would simply ask her what she feels about having sex with her boyfriend, not how her parents feel, not how her boyfriend feels, but how does she feel about it. I would then ask her is she was prepared to have sex, has she discussed with her boyfriend what precautions they would take, and what they would be prepared to do if something happened and she became pregnant. Some of the questions would be directed towards her once I could visually observe her, I would ask her if she was feeling peer pressure to have sex, or if her boyfriend was pressuring her to have sex. I would also explain that sometimes it is okay to say no to sex and just because her friends say they have or are encouraging her to have sex does not necessarily mean it is the right decision for her. I would also enter into a discussion of what sex means to her, and bring about the questions to see if she feels if she does not have sex with him she would perhaps loose him. I would recommend to her that she see a gynecologist or her family doctor to further explore all the birth control options and make sure she understands that even though it is a shared responsibility with her and her boyfriend, she should make sure she is practicing safe sex. For me I would also mention that her mother is concerned, because Anna is her daughter. I would ask her if she had any questions for me, and then assure her that what ever we discuss is between us and she can feel free to come to talk with me at anytime. I would also tell her to take all the time she needed to come to her decision, and make it because it is what is right for her. I am a realist, and all we can do is provide the kids with good information and hope that we have given them enough of it for them to make a decision that is right and safe for them. Tom and Susan are an elderly couple. Tom has been retired for several years, and Susan is more recently retired. She has shown a renewed interest in sexual activity. Tom has not reciprocated Susan’s interest as he is anxious about his sexual ability at this age. I feel it would be best to first address some issues with Tom and see if he felt there was a possible physical reason that perhaps he had not brought up prior to this. Several factors may play a role in sexual inactivity including declining activity, physical problems, boredom, and attitudes about sex among older people. If he was having physical issues I would suggest to him that perhaps he should see his physician about some of the things that may help in this area. Many men have problems with erections due to stress and other factors, and when you can get to the cause of it, there is often help for it. I would discuss with them about Susan’s recent retirement and see if that change has triggered her to have some extra energy and less stress from not having a regular scheduled job. I would suggest that they try date night, or think about activities or things that used to make them feel more romantic, and suggest that they try to stop thinking about it and just let it naturally occur. Go out and do things that make you both happy, couple things, individual things, get to know each other again because in a sense that is what they are doing, getting to know each other again. I would encourage them to communicate and talk about things, not turn the television on or the phone on when they go to bed, and discuss their needs openly with each other and figure out what will meet both of their needs. Bill has been paralyzed from the waist down since he was a child. He is involved in a romantic relationship and wishes to be intimate with his partner but is unsure how to express his interest. Bill becomes very nervous and uncomfortable when talking about this subject Sex and the ability to have sex with a partner and have a long term intimate relationship is desired as much by people with a disability as it is with most people. The amount of physical sexual function and ability to feel pleasure or pain sensation is often the first thing they think of, raising fear and anxiety. Yet it is something we all desire because sex enriches our lives and brings us to understanding and closer relationships with our partners. People with a physical disability often have a poor self body image, thinking they are damaged goods, broken, somehow less than. These feelings are normal you should talk about them with your partner, but don’t dwell on them. Healthy love making is about pleasing your partner. Often people in Bill’s situation find excitement and release simply from the closeness of pleasuring their partner. Healthy sexuality involves warmth, tenderness, and love, not just genital contact, so I would encourage Bill to step outside of his comfort zone and talk to his partner about how he feels. I recommend that Bill seek his physician’s medical opinion and assistance to see if one of the clinical treatments for erectile dysfunction, such as Viagra could improve the quality of erections and sexual activity with him. I would also remind him that orgasm after paralysis is possible for some men but it is often not the same as it is usually defined. It can become less physical, less focused on the genitals and more about his state of mind. It is important Bill comes to understand that the loss of sensation does not rule out loss of sexuality. In conclusion, we all experience sexual awareness and activity during all ages of our lives. So we all need to take a moment to just breathe and know we are not alone. Talk to our partners, talk with our physicians/counselors and learn what will work for you in your own situation. Take control of your life and learn to understand your own body. References Rathus, S. A. , Nevid, J. S. , and Fichner-Rathus, L. (2011). Human sexuality in a world of diversity. (8th ed. ) Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Project Proposal on an Internet Cafe

1. Executive Summary Cheetahs’ Internet cafe With fast appreciation of technology amongst the people of Zimbabwe, an insatiable need for access to internet has spread out across all societies in Zimbabwe. This has seen mushrooming of internet cafes in different parts of the nation. It is this mismatch between vast demand for internet services and few players in the market that has attracted me into seeking lines of credit in order to fill in the gap.Researches have arrived at a conclusion that implies that existing internet cafes are providing shoddy services; hence it is the prerogative of Cheetahs Internet cafe to provide quality services that clients deserve. To complement this, the cafe will provide, in addition to internet surfing, photocopying, printing, typing, laminating, scanning, graphic designs and software installations to make it a one stop shop. 1. 1 Objectives †¢Attain consistent profitability, thus laying the basis for sustainability. Create access to the information, learning opportunities, and communications media of the Internet, within the host community. †¢Grow community members’ familiarity with abstract computing and Internet concepts. †¢Give community members the opportunity to self-teach specialized skills such as academic research techniques, email and instant messaging, and usage of word processor and spreadsheet software. †¢Create a physical space for future development projects in the community. †¢Enrich communication between residents of Bulawayo and the South African diaspora by delivering access to affordable voice calls through Skype services. Generate sufficient revenue to allow physical expansion, offering the potential to replicate the same development objectives in surrounding areas. 1. 2Keys to success The internet cafe will be a great success because there are very few internet cafes which provide a one-stop shop,(exact number remains unknown) in the area and therefore the Cheetahs Ca fe will have its own monopoly as far as provision of high profile service is concerned. 1. 3 Missions The mission of our internet-cafe is to make the internet available to a greater population.In such a way that people will have access to all the sources which can be found on the internet. Thereby the cafe is supposed to be a place where people of all ages will come to enjoy the unique, upscale, educational, and innovative environment that the internet-cafe provides. 1. 4 Risks The main risks in establishing any business at all is always the demand. Will there be enough demand for my product, will there be enough interest in it? Won't we go bankrupt due to lack of interest? These risks are also present in the soon to come internet cafe, the population may not be interested in spending money to go online.Also, will the popularity of the internet sustain, in order for the people to maintain their interests in the internet and the internet cafe. And foremost, will there be a profit? 2 Company The internet-cafe which will be realized will offer the community of Bulawayo easy and affordable access to the internet. The internet-cafe will appeal to individuals of all ages and backgrounds. The instructional internet classes, and the staff that the internet-cafe provides, will appeal to the audience that does not associate themselves with the computer age.This educational aspect will attract younger and elderly members of the community who are rapidly gaining interest in the unique resources that online communications have to offer. 2. 1 Company Ownership The company will be registered as a Private corporation, which requires a minimum of 3 directors and a maximum of 20. A colleague of mine, Farai Mazanhi who has a photocopier and a Printer will be the second Director after me and Prince Hwenjere who has the technical knowhow of running a cafe will be the third Director. 2. 2 Start-up Summary The projected initial (start-up) cash outflows: Cash outflow from purchasing equipment Desktops @ $400 each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Till operating computer set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Furniture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commercial Printer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photocopier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commercial scanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash outflow from auxiliary services Software installations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Internet installations and router. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stationery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor for setting up the shop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Air conditioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marketing material. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash outflow from compliance Company registrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leasing premises. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total cash outflow required to start the project. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 200 400 600 120 2 800 100 50 1 200 50 300 800 500 150 1 500 $ 7 220 2 900 1 650 11 770 2. 3 Company Locations and Facilities The site where the internet-cafe will be located was already decided before the making of this business plan. The location will be along Main street, Bulawayo CDB, between Stanbic bank and CBZ bank, Opposite Barclays bank. Currently the premises are leased to â€Å"The Bed shop† which is running a notice of 3 months from October, which makes it up to December.Communications have already been done with the lessor and our application has be en considered. A small space which fits office desk and a chair has been secured for a Commissioner of Oaths to sub-lease from at a noble monthly rental $100. Other than providing a subsidy to our monthly lease payments, Commissioner of Oaths will blend into our quest to provide a one-stop-shop. 3. Services Ultimately the internet-cafe will grant the customers access to the internet and World Wide Web. Other secondary services will include scanning, photocopying, typing, commissioner of oaths, printing and graphic designs . 1 Competitive comparison The direct competitors within the sphere of influence for Cheetahs cafe is Twitters cafe located at Bulawayo centre and Kwiknet, corner 5th and Main Street. Cheetahs’ cafe will have a better competitive leverage because it has â€Å"All services under one roof†. 3. 2 Service description The internet-cafe will provide its customers with full access to the Internet and common computer software and hardware. Some of the Interne t and computing services available to the future internet-cafe customers are listed below: – Access to external email accounts. – Photocopying – Scanning. Access to printing. – Typing services and graphic designs. . 3. 3 Fulfilment The internet-cafe will obtain its computer hardware from local stores which can be found in or around Bulawayo, particular interest has been in First Pack. The installation of the internet will also be provided by the local resources and consideration has been granted to Liquid Communications. 3. 4 Technology The internet-cafe will be providing its customers with computers which will be up to date with today’s system requirements. Hp is the suggested brand for computers, scanner and Printer, Minolta is the brand for a photocopier.The computers will be able to provide the customers with a variety of application to serve their needs. These applications will mainly be the mainly used ones which everyone will be familiar wit h such as Microsoft Office. 3. 5 Future services In the future the internet-cafe will be able to expand or improve its services. When expanding the needed amount of hardware should be purchased however what should be kept in mind is how far the internet cafe will be able to expand. The location may not be big enough to provide an excessive expansion of hardware.The improvement of service however could be made possible by providing the customer with additional services. A drink- and/or snack machine could be purchased for satisfying the customer, which would attract more customers and which could make the current customers stay longer. Under consideration is also provision of services such as games and wireless internet services. 3. 6 Market segmentation Since our internet cafe is situated in the CBD of Bulawayo, The most preferred sector that Cheetahs cafe intend to serve is the working class. The cafe will take advantage of the offices and banks surrounding the cafe. . Strategy and Implementation Summary 4. 1 Attracting customers To attract the intended customers the internet-cafe will use the budget allocation of $500 to suspend a big metal banner at the upper front of the entry. Posters will cheaply using internal resources and abilities of the shop assistants to cut on costs. These posters could be placed around places where the adolescents would mainly be present such as Bulawayo centre, supermarkets, movie house and strategic streets. Places like game-halls and sports clubs would be perfect for advertising.Another way of attracting the customer is to advertise in the local newspaper. By advertising in the local newspaper the households would get notice of the new internet-cafe. This would result in attracting the parents of the adolescents and the middle-aged inhabitants of Bulawayo residents who frequent town. These ways of advertising will be stopped after two years. This is because over such a period of time most inhabitants will have noticed the inte rnet cafe and/or heard about it. 4. 2 SWOT analysis This section will focus on the SWOT analysis.The SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. SWOT is an abbreviation for: Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats. Strengths The strength that the internet-cafe will have is its dominant position in the local internet availability, strategic location and one-stop shop facility. Secondly, the internet-cafe should have strength in staying up-to-date with the latest computer software. By keeping the hardware updated with the needed software the customers will enjoy working with the computers.Staying updated with the newest software is also a cheap ‘investment’ which again would benefit to the success of the internet-cafe Weaknesses Besides the strengths each company/business has its weaknesses. Weakness can lead to a decrease of a company's success and development. The weakness of an internet-cafe in general is the risk of virus infection and uneven availability of internet. Staying updated with the latest hardware is not only an expensive investment it is an investment which does not sincerely pays off its prices immediately. Over a period of years such an investment should be needed however it remains expensive.Opportunities As any other organization an internet-cafe has its opportunities. Having certain opportunities offers an organization a possibility to expand their turnover. An opportunity of an internet-cafe is that the global population which is requiring access to the World Wide Web is slowly increasing. This increase of internet users should offer the internet-cafe a chance to expand the business. Another opportunity from which the internet-cafe might benefit is the possibility of a rising demand in the market. This raise would be the outcome of the growing popularity under the inhabitants.Once one is familiar with the World Wide Web one may introduce his or her social environment to the internet. Thereby the popularity of the internet will keep on growing and finally this will reflect in an increasing number of customers for the internet-cafe. Threats One of the threats the cafe will face is the continuous accessibility to internet by the general populace through smart phones. Stiff competition also forces prices down. However this has been cushioned against through diversity of the portfolio. Failure of one service will be evened out by the boom of other services. 5. Staff complementAn internet-cafe itself does not require a lot of employees. The employees should have at least 5 O’ Levels, be computer literate and A ‘Level would be an added advantage. 5. 1 Personnel plan The internet-cafe requires just a handful of employees in order to function. In total the internet-cafe will count a staff of a least 3 persons. One will be the till operator, his duties would be to accept payments for all services to be rendered and making payments for operational expenses. The second would be photocopying and binding; the third will be doing graphic designs and printing. Personnel plan Monthly salaryTill operator$ 200. 00 Graphic designer$160. 00 Photocopy assistant$150. 00 TOTAL $510. 00 6. Financial plan The following sections lay out the details of the financial plan for the future years. 6. 1 Start-up funding The internet cafe seeks to secure a loan of $11 770 to be precise from the bank according to the initial cash flow statement above marked 2. 2. Repayment Plan The management of Cheetahs’ internet cafe pledges to repay the loan in a space of two years. The repayments will be made on a month-to month basis. Assuming an interest of 10% per annum, monthly repayment amount would thus be estimated at $668.Proposed security I, being one of the directors will pledge the title deeds for a house which is valued at $15 000. The details of which are as follows: Stand no. 4875 Budiriro 4 Harare ?If need be, the title deeds shall be provided upon request 6. 2 Projected profit and loss YEAR 1YEAR 2 Sales51 00065 000 Add rent income from sub-leasing 1 200 1 200 Expenses(32 679)(34 809) Salaries(6 120)(6 120) Marketing ( 500)( 300) Machinery and equipment maintenance( 600)( 450) Internet subscriptions(12 000)(14 000) Rent(9 600)(9 600) Transport costs(720)( 720) Stationery(1 020)(1 500)Loan interest @ 18% p. a(2 119)(2 119) Net Profit before tax and after interest19 52131 391 Less tax(2 928)(5489) Net Profit after interest and tax16 95325 902 Cheetahs Internet cafe 6. 3Statement of the Financial Position for two years YEAR1YEAR 2 $$ Non-Current Assets Computers3 2003 200 Photocopier2 8002 800 Printer120 120 Furniture600 600 Commercial scanner100 100 TOTAL 6 8206 820 Current Assets Bank24 00024 000 Cash422 1 582 Debtors100 300 31 34240 702 Equity and Liabilities Loan [email  protected]%13 889 – Profit for the year16 95325 902 Owner’s equi ty14 000Current Liabilities Creditors 500800 31 34240 702 A CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR CHEETAHS’ INTERNET CAFE FOR TWO YEARS Cash inflow from operating activities Cash received from sales Receipts from Debtors Payments to creditors Payment of expenses Cash flow from investing activities Purchase of equipment Sale of machinery Cash flow from financing activities Loan Interest payment Net cash flow Beginning cash balance Ending cash balance Year 1 14 771 50 900 100 (500) (35 729) (6 800) – 11 770 (2 119) 24 422 – 24 422 Year 2 29 391 64 700 300 (800) (34 809) – – – (4 238) 25 153 24 422 49 575

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Obesity Is A Medical Condition - 1708 Words

Part 1 Obesity is a medical condition where there is the accumulation of excess fat in the body such that the individual’s health is affected negatively resulting in an increase in health problems and a reduced life expectancy. The measurement of obesity is with the use of the BMI where the individual’s weight is divided by their height square, and this should not be above 30kg/m2. In the United States, obesity remains the one of the leading cause of death as it is associated with heart disease (, 2015). There are more that 35% rates of obesity in the USA according to the data released in 2015 with West Virginia, Arkansas, and Mississippi being the most prevalent cities. There are rates above 30% in twenty-two states, rates above†¦show more content†¦Lack of energy balance is one of the major causes of obesity where the energy taken in through consumption of food and drinks is more as compared to the energy used through physical activities (Bleich, Cutler, Murr ay Adams, 2013). The foods and drinks are associated with increased energy are calories, processed foods high in sugar and fat, consumption of too much alcohol and sugary drinks, and comfort eating. Obesity is also associated with lack of physical inactivity as the extra calories stored in the body is not broken. Genetics and family history is the physiological factor where some of the genes in a family affect the way fat is stored and where the extra fat is stored. Obesity is also associated with health conditions like hormone problems including polycystic ovarian syndrome, Cushing’s syndrome, and hypothyroidism. There are medicines like antidepressants, corticosteroids, and anti-seizures that lead to increased weight. Social factors like poverty lead to people purchasing high-calories processed foods as they cost less. Lack of recreation areas reduce the chances of exercise (Bleich, Cutler, Murray Adams, 2013). Among the adult population, there are consequences of obesity ranging from physical, social, and psychological effects. Physical consequences of obesity ranges are high BP, type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, joint problems including arthritis, problems with the